Alcatraz Season 1 Episode 12 & 13

Ratings: 7.5/10 from 7,673 users

When Detective Rebecca Madsen is assigned to a grisly homicide case, a fingerprint leads her to a shocking suspect: Jack Sylvane, a former Alcatraz inmate who died decades ago. With her investigation impeded by government agent Emerson Hauser, Madsen teams up with Alcatraz expert and comic book enthusiast Dr. Diego Soto.

Ep 12
Ep 13

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  1. Gan udah Nga Bisa Linknnya Bisa D up lagi ,...?

  2. apanya yg gk bisa gan ?? msh bisa semua koq..

  3. udah di blok gan

  4. wah iya, udh d delete sma mediafire gan... pdhl kmrn masih ad.. sorry gan gk bisa reupload.. harddisk ane rusak soalnya, nah filenya tu ad d HD..


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